Lighting Up the Curriculum for Excellence

Inspiring the next generation of Engineers and Scientists

Buying More Tools

We recommend JPR Electronics and Rapid Electronics for buying more tools

Item Part Number Supplier Link Notes
Soldering Iron Antex XS25W JPR 845-022
Rapid 85-1145
This is the silicone (heat-resistant) cable version for extra safety.
Do not use the small metal folding stand that comes with the iron.
See the next item for a much safer alternative stand.
Soldering Iron Stand Antex ST4 JPR 845-080
Rapid 85-0585
Tool Wallet Generic Rapid 85-0083
Pliers Generic JPR 595-054
Rapid 85-0225
Small, pointy nose
Side Cutters Generic JPR 595-055
Rapid 85-0205
Wire Strippers Generic JPR 595-059
Rapid 86-0350
Solder Sucker Generic JPR 845-085
Rapid 85-0601
Desoldering Braid Generic JPR 900-006
Rapid 52-4565
Rapid 64-6431
Solder Omega II 99C Fast Flow Flux 2% Lead/Rosin Free /
Stannol KS115
JPR 845-246
Rapid 50-2443
We recommend lead-free and rosin-free (colophony-free) solder for use in schools.
Safety Glasses Generic Screwfix 8603D
Rapid 52-3596
Heat Resistant Mat Antex R91000A00 Rapid 34-2685
Replacement Tip Antex B005030 /
Antex B0050H8
JPR 845-062
Rapid 85-0535
For the yellow Antex irons used in our newer kits
Replacement Tip Xytronic 44-510B01 Rapid 85-0981 For the black Xytronic irons used in our older kits
Tip Cleaner Loctite TTC-LF Rapid 85-0630
Purple Storage Box Gratnells Extra Deep Tray Purple TTS FU10343PU
Lid for Purple Box Gratnells Lid TTS 1008950

Latest News

Electronics CPD Workshops

We will be running combined Lighting Up and Rampaging Chariots soldering workshops for Primary and Secondary teachers in Burntisland and Duns.

Museum of Communication, Burntisland, Friday 10th June 3pm - 6pm

Berwickshire High School, Duns, Tuesday 7th June 9am - 12pm

All welcome! Contact Benjie Marwick Johnstone to reserve your space.

Free Top-Up Kits

Thanks to generous funding from the Institute of Physics, we once again have free top-up packs available for schools who have previously taken part in the Lighting Up project.

Contact Benjie Marwick Johnstone to apply. Hurry while stocks last!